The imperative of a sustainable environment in accordance with SDG objectives encompasses a wide range of environmental goals which includes clean energy and climate actions as well as economic growth, hunger, poverty, equality, education, peace and justice. Environment therefore is the totality of all external conditions affecting life, development and survival of an organism context.
Significantly, the environment plays active roles in reducing poverty and achieving higher living standard as well as increasing human development. The United Nations in its definition of Millenium Development Goals in 2000 recognized that there is full integration between human development and environment as mutually reinforcing each other. It is therefore a common knowledge that by protecting the environment, we are protecting human lives and we are promoting citizens rights to life and rights against exploitation including fundamental rights of all organizations dueling on earth.
We are aware that a clear environment is essential for healthy living, if we don’t care about our environment, we would be contending with pollution with contaminant and toxins that have impact on our health.
We are also aware that air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and cancer among other problems and diseases.
We know that Water problem is massive in our nation. Without water human being cannot live a comfortable life. We are also fully aware that deforestation poses a greater challenge including pollution and climate change to sustainable standard living. The health and wellness of human begin is an important issue to watch. What people eat, drink, the air they breathe and the environment they leave all plays significant roles in their wellness.
The Oluseyi Bisiriyu Foundation (OBF) is in the fore front of advocacy that environmental issues must take the driver seat in global agenda for development and growth policies. Our position is that environment should be considered as a welfare determinant having causal relationships between economic growth and human development.
This explains why the Foundation is partnering with government and non-governmental agencies in the drives towards protecting the natural environment which nature had bestowed on humanity to build a sustainable development path. We have as part of our objectives the goals of consuming natural resources, the natural environment and to repair damages and reverse trends.
Our activities are therefore geared towards restoration of quality environment, healthy living and hygiene, provision of water and promotion of wildlife including issues of Waste disposal, land management and urban sprawl public health concerns